We took the project “Sacarrabos” to Prémios Lusófonos da Criatividade and we won a Bronze Award.
What is a brand that claims to be young and always keeps the same look?
As the slang would say, a “wannabe” brand. We got the challenge do a rebranding, or better still, position a beer brand as a young irreverent brand, just like the beer “Sacarrabos” itself.

The first logo wasn’t suitable for the brand’s target audience so we thought about making it more appealing to young adults in opposition to children, as it is after all a beer brand. We also kept the handcraft look and feel of the brand as well as the bold/cheeky character (the mongoose) and shaped the identity accordingly.
Being a devourer of crocodile eggs, the mongoose found a home land in Sines (Portugal) and that is the main reason the brand is called “Sacarrabos” (mongoose in Portuguese).
The brand already existed so we just had to develop a rebranding.

We also created an iconic tag line “Saca-me uma fresca” (“Get me a fresh one”) which refers to ordering more beer and to the brand name itself.

We also created an iconic tag line “Saca-me uma fresca” (“Get me a fresh one”) which refers to ordering more beer and to the brand name itself.
The bar is now open to business in central Lisbon (close to Time Out Market). The amazing location together with amazing craft beer are the perfect match to a night out with friends.
“Being myself a beer lover, it was really cool being involved in this project, specially during the photoshoot, as they needed someone to drink all of those pints. 😉 “

Check out the full project here.
Any questions? Please contact us at [email protected]