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Please, we ask you to carefully read our legal notice on this website. This page was revised on August 10th, 2023.

Terms of Privacy Usage

By accessing the website DFRONT.PT ( “Website”) agree to be bound by these Terms of Use & Privacy Policy, so please read them carefully. If you disagree with these Terms of Use & Privacy Policy should not access, view or enter data on this website. This website aims to provide institutional information about the company d’front and their work done for our clients. All intellectual property rights relating to the available contents and information (text, images, trademarks and logos) belong exclusively to d’front and your customers. It is forbidden to copy, reproduction, modification or distribution, in whole or in part, the contents of this website without the prior written consent of the d’front except what is necessary to view the pages that make up this website and for private use and not commercial.

“d’front”® is a registered trademark. All trademarks, logos, domain names, product presentations or services are the property of d’front and customers.

The d’front does not recognize rights of any material and/or ideas that will be presented on this website by visitors without having been, for us previously requested. d’front reserves the right to consider all the material sent through this website as non-confidential and not covered by intellectual property rights of others, can be used in advertising and promotions created by d’front, which will not in any case considered as works made in collaboration, collective works or composite works.


d’front is not responsible or provide any warranties regarding the information provided through this Website. You can find links to access other websites, not being d’front responsible for the content, accuracy, reliability and functionality of websites belonging to third parties. The d’front does not assume responsibility for any interruptions in the presentation of the Website, by viruses or other damage that may be caused to users. It is strictly prohibited any connection between the Website and other websites without the prior written permission from d’ front. If you suspect, this website, content that may infringe the copyright, please contact us immediately via the following addresses:

+351 912 713 054
[email protected]

Thank you,

d’front team.